

Insurance King Racing & Josh Bilicki
NASCAR driver Josh Bilicki

Insurance King is in NASCAR HEAT 4

Insurance King is in NASCAR HEAT 4

Insurance King paint schemes are in NASCAR HEAT 4. This video game is available on XBOX and PS4. This game was developed by 704Games. The Insurance King Gander Truck series design comes with the game and the Xfinity and Monster series designs are available in the DLC. Insurance King brought Ed Bassmaster to the Indy Brickyard in 2019 for the Xfinity race. This video he made was with his character Chip Diamond and it’s called PSH NASCAR. People can make their own PSH NASCAR videos with our car in the video game. Our marketing department will be looking for these videos. There will also be GIF’s created for NASCAR HEAT 4 which can be found by searching insurance king in gifs.

To get a quote from Insurance King on car insurance, SR-22 insurance, or motorcycle insurance click here.
